You'll save time on planning and preparation for both phonics and phonological awareness, while allowing you to focus on individualized support and meaningful interactions with your students.
Imagine meeting the needs of your students based on their phonics needs, and then tailoring your instruction with ease to meet them at their level.
What may sound like a far off dream is NOW right at your finger tips for a short period of time.
This invaluable set of resources supplies you with all the things you'd need to provide your students with quality phonics instruction without all the prep work.
These resources allow you to transform your small group time into an enriching and efficient learning journey. This bundle provides you with assessments to find out where your students are at in their phonics journey, what kind of instruction they are needing, and where you can go from there WITH activities to use along the way.
Assess, teach, and reinforce phonics skills in your small group time with ease this upcoming school year, and stop the search for quality resources with everything you need ALL in one place.
This phonological awareness set includes an entire CURRICULUM for you to use all year long. It allows you to assess your students at each level of their phonics journey and gives you a meticulously crafted resource to use with your instruction.
You are given complete LESSONS to use with your students, complete with hands-on activities, assessments, and printable anchor charts for continuous use.
Included in this set are activities for:
⭐️ Print awareness, letter knowledge, letter sounds, and handwriting.
⭐️Word level phonological awareness -(sentence segmentation, blending, segmentation, and deletion)
⭐️ Syllable level phonological awareness - (blending, segmentation, and deletion)
⭐️Onset-rime level phonological awareness - (rhyme, generate rhyme, categorization, blending, segmentation)
⭐️Phoneme level phonological awareness -With these activities, you can seamlessly introduce, practice, and reinforce essential phonics concepts, helping your students become confident and skilled readers. (isolation, identity, categorization, blending, segmentation, deletion, addition, substitution)
With these activities, you can seamlessly introduce, practice, and reinforce essential phonological awareness skills, helping your students become confident and skilled readers.
Craft activities not only provide an exciting break from regular instruction, but they also allow you to reinforce those short vowel sounds in a hands-on way.
Short Vowel Word Family Crafts include 22 word families, and 2 crafts for each word family giving you plenty of practice throughout the year.
Bring creativity and hands-on learning together in your small group time as your students read, spell, and draw pictures for short vowel words.
These crafts can serve as visual reminders of the sounds your students have worked so hard on, and offer an opportunity for students to proudly showcase their accomplishments.
You can effectively teach your students how to read short vowel sounds and easily identify short vowel phonics patterns in your small groups.
Aligned with The Science of Reading, these Short Vowel Decodable Readers include all the decodable books, lesson plans, and no-prep activities you need to teach your students how to read and decode short vowel words in your kindergarten classroom.
These thoughtfully created short vowel decodables instill a love for reading while also promoting fluency in a controlled, supportive environment.
Included in this set are 4 books for EACH short vowel sound, giving you plenty to choose from, as well as lesson plans and activities to go along with each book.
It's your one stop shop for decodable readers when it comes to short vowel sounds, and gives you back all that time you've been spending gathering materials to conduct a small group reading lesson. WIN-WIN!