Currently: January 2015

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Only a few hours left in 2014.  
2014 was an OK year, it had it’s ups and downs just like any year.  I’m not a huge believer in the whole “New year, new me” mindset, but I am hoping that 2015 will bring great things!
What better way to spend some of the last few hours of 2014 than by linking up with [Farley] for a January 2015 Currently post??
Listening:  This week I’ve been listening to “Inspiration Radio” on Pandora.  Definitely a nice, calm station for this time of year! 
Loving:  I’m LOVING this time off!  We got a fantastic week trip in to [Colorado] and I still have several days to lounge around!
Thinking:  I haven’t done a New Years resolution in a few years – something about you’re technically the same person today as you are tomorrow.  However, I’ve been inspired by the whole one-word resolution linky that I’ve seen.  This year I plan to be FOCUSED.  I think this will encompass getting/staying organized, taking my blog to the next level, being successful in the classroom, and more.
Wanting: I really, really, really want a new printer!  I have an HP Photosmart and it EATS ink like no other… It’s so expensive to replace the ink and print things from home.  I’ve looked at some options, but I’m of course drawn to the most expensive printers.  Maybe a new printer can be in the cards for 2015.  I also want a complete home-office makeover (much less likely) – although the mister and I have discussed having some work done to the office in case we sell our house in 2015.
Needing:  I’ve gotten a few things done to prep for January like lesson plans laminating centers.  I just want to head back to school super ready to go!
Yes:  I have done a better job being organized, but I plan to get better – and stay that way!
Maybe:  We will sell our home this year in South Dallas and move to a more central location for both of our jobs – and a larger home in case our family expands anytime in the near future. ๐Ÿ˜‰
I wish:  To take another trip to Europe this year.  The travel bug has bitten me, many, many times…


  1. Good luck with getting organized. I chose "Appreciate" for my one word resolution. I hope it gives me the encouragement I need to really enjoy the things in my life. Happy New Year!

  2. I love my printer. It's a HP LaserJet Pro 200 from Amazon. It was less than $200. And, thank you for the Inspiration Radio tip. I will definitely check it out.

  3. Such exciting things to look forward to!
    I ended up replacing my ink-eating HP printer (it was a nice one) with a CHEAP HP and although it eats ink, the cartridges are half the price and the quality seems exactly the same. I can find out the model #…I do know that the ink is HP61. Good luck! Jen

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