Currently, June 2014

Ok, so I wish I could be as dedicated to getting in shape as I am about my blog these days!  I mean if I can do a two-a-day posting blogs, why not in the gym??  Oh well, here’s my June “currently.”  It’s been almost a year since I’ve linked up for this linky party, so I’m pretty excited!

Listening:  So I have Pandora on the “Summer Hits of the 90s” channel… I may be living in a bit of nostalgia right now.  Currently it’s playing “If You Could Only See” by Tonic.  Sigh, those were the days, right?
Loving:  All of the free time I have now that it’s summer!  I’ve said it probably 100 times now, but this is my first summer that I have had work or school and it is AWESOME!!!  I am getting so many things done and its fantastic.  I’ve gotten back into the gym (no not doing two-a-days, unfortunately), I have time to work on products I’ll use next year and can load to TPT, and I have time to help out around the house again.
Thinking:  I know a little about my new school from the research I did when I was applying, but there’s still that nervous excitement there!  I wonder what my new team will be like, I wonder what my new principal will be like to work for, I wonder how involved the parents will be, and I could go on and on.
Wanting:  AH!  I’ve got about a month and a half to get it in gear for Mexico!  It’s been a while since I have graced a beach with my presence (or maybe that’s vice versa…), and I intend to feel confident!  I am already feeling much better about working out again, even if it isn’t as often still as it should be.  Baby steps people!  Unfortunately we leave for Mexico the day after the TPT conference ๐Ÿ™  That makes it about impossible for me to attend even though I so wish that I could.  I’ll just plan to live vicariously through status updates that day, haha.
Needing:  I really need to get a study guide for the ELL certification test.  I was planning on taking the test anyway, and then my new principal basically said I had to… so… Any suggestions on good study guides Texas friends?  I feel pretty confident with the courses I had in grad school, but I don’t want to spend $120 on the test and then bomb it for some reason.  Best to be prepared.
Summer Bucket List:  My first goal is to get several awesome products onto my TPT store.  I’ve been thinking about things I used this year, or wish I could have found.  I’m basing my creations on that.  That way even if I never sale any I’ll at least have them for use in my own classroom.  I also want to head to Pensacola this summer to visit.  It’s been too long since I’ve been home to Florida, and it is must needed.  With the Mexico trip, new district training, and a family reunion it will be tough but we’ll figure it out!  Lastly, I want to get my books leveled for next year.  I had ZERO time once I got my free book boxes from Half Price Books this year to level them.  It was enough to organize them by genre for my library.  I’ll do a much better job next year!  Any tips for leveling a classroom library?
Now, head over to [Farley’s] AND remember the Rule of 3!


  1. Leveling and organizing books can be such a hassle, but definitely worth it! Have you ever used any of the apps out there that level books for you? Scholastic has Book Wizard available as a mobile version now, so it is much easier! It is FREE, and it has a scanner so you can just scan the bar code. I have even scanned all of my books into Book Crawler, which I can download to an Excel file and keep track of which books I have.

    Teaching Momster

    1. I haven't heard of those, but I am definitely about to check them out! I did book baggies last year that just had several Reading A-Z books for each kid, but I want to do book boxes this year with books from the class library. This will be so helpful! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

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