Wordless Wednesday: The Home Stretch
Summer · teacher · Travel · Uncategorized · Vacation · Wordless Wednesday
Hey y’all! I was just thinking the other day that it has been so long since I linked up with [Miss DeCarbo] for a Wordless Wednesday post – so let’s fix that!
This week we are knee deep in STAAR testing, and my mind has really began to wander to faraway places… Like summer. We still have 33 days, but we are definitely in the home stretch, and I am looking forward to recharging this summer!
Each summer we try to go on one bigger trip. It’s just so helpful to have something to look forward to, and we LOVE to travel! We haven’t set travel plans for a summer trip yet, but we are looking at either an adventure-style trip through REI (like backpacking in Yosemite!) or heading to Mexico again.
We still have time to decide, but my mind is definitely racing with travel possibilities! Do you have any exciting summer plans?!
I'm sure you'll have lots of fun at either place. I'm a beach girl! Our family heads there for a week. It's so relaxing!
Keep Calm and Love First Grade