Classroom Unveil (Finally) & Meet the Teacher Night
Inservice week is officially OVER!
Let’s start off with what I saw the first time I walked into my new classroom.
As you can see, the former teacher left many of the bulletin boards up, alphabet strip, etc. So I had to start by getting rid of all of her decorations. The bookshelves were also completely packed with 3rd grade materials – so I had to get all of those materials off the shelves as well.
Fortunately I didn’t need to move the furniture around too much. Ok, to be completely honest I moved it around several times and finally settled on a layout that was fairly similar to how the room was when I first came in.
You can grab the alphabet poster set [here].
Don’t mind the calendar area, it’s not finished yet.
Here’s what I did with that HUGE green-wall length bulletin board.
This board was a TON of work because it is so big. But… it was the perfect space for [Homeworkopoly], a math board, word wall, student work wall, and college board (this one may end up with something else on it!). Most of them are blank because I am saving them for anchor charts, students work, etc. that will be created once the kiddos arrive.
Here’s a close up of some of the boards on this wall.
The word wall is one of my favorites! So bright and cheery. I used fabric to keep the background bold throughout the year, and added the rope and [anchor] accents for a bit of fun.
Check out how I made my word wall card box [here]. You can also grab the EDITABLE word wall labels/words [here].
I can’t wait to get some work added to these boards!
Working our way around to the white board, you can see where I will post our Learning Objectives (LOs) and Demonstrations of Learning (DOLs). These were a find from the fabulous Learning in Wonderland, and you can grab a set [here]. I glued the subject label to a piece of scrapbook paper then had the whole thing laminated. To finish them off I hot glued a page protector onto each so that I can easily slide the LOs and DOLs in. I plan to print them off weekly so that they are ready to go each morning!
To be honest I hit a bit of a road block while decorating. My previous school did not have any cinder block walls so I was able to staple my heart out when hanging things! My new classroom is ALL cinderblock besides the bulletin boards. *sigh*
So I had to do some problem solving to make hanging up all of my decorations work. Here’s my remedy.
I placed a baggie of Goldfish on each student’s desk as a welcome gift. The tag reads “You are o”fish”ally in first grade!” This is a common idea on Pinterest, but it just fit so well with my Nautical theme!
Inside each folder I placed a student information sheet, Donors Choose release form, daily schedule, Daily 5 letter with breakdown of reading levels, explanation of grading policy, and another copy of the school supply list. All of these forms are separate from the enrollment packet the school will send home.
Now I’m off to enjoy my last Saturday before school begins!
Where did you find the anchor for your word wall bulletin board?
Hi Tyrone,
I purchased the anchor from a small party store in Ft. Worth – I believe you can purchase it on their website as well: