Wordless Wednesday: Teacher Inservice

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Happy Hump Day y’all!
My district began teacher inservice this past Monday, and here’s a look at a PD session we had on Monday afternoon.  Note:  We started PD a full 2 weeks before school starts because one week is considered “new teacher academy” for teachers new to the district.
Circus PD??  Not quite… After a fun morning at the Meyerson Symphony (no we didn’t get to actually watch the symphony) listening to speeches from various members of the district, we headed out to our various high school feeder patterns to learn more about the goals/mission of our individual feeder pattern.  Hey y’all, Dallas ISD is HUGE so they have to divide it up somehow, right?  
When we got to our high school the whole cafeteria was decorated as a circus!  Streamers, balloons, cotton candy, popcorn, a photo booth, etc!  I was literally thrown off guard when I walked in.  No worries, I eventually collected myself.  It was a cool afternoon of learning about all the schools that feed into that particular high school.
My question for you before you head over to [Sugar and Spice] to link up with other awesome bloggers is this:  How long is your teacher inservice/PD before school starts?


    1. So jealous that you live in the UK! I got to visit London with a friend a few years back and we stayed in Hertfordshire (I think)! 5 days would be a blessing! So much to do that I can't focus anyway!


    1. Amen! Fortunately our principal gave us all of last week to work in our rooms (many teachers in DISD haven't even seen their classrooms yet), but it's just a never-ending to-do list, isn't it?? I wish they'd do a morning session and release us to be in our rooms in the afternoon. Maybe then I could focus more lol.


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