July Currently, 2014
Is it really July already?? Ok, well in a few hours it will be anyway. Where is summer going?!?!
Anyway, I am linking up with [Farley] for her awesome July Currently linky!
Listening: Now that we are finished with Orange is the New Black, big surprise the addiction has moved on to House of Cards. The show is just so fascinating and intense! If you haven’t watched it yet, please get on Netflix and watch one episode. You will be hooked!
Loving: The beginning of June was pretty calm, but now we are in travel mode! I LOVE it! Two weekends ago was Lake Whitney, this past weekend was San Angelo, this weekend is Brenham/College Station, then in 2 weeks it’s MEXICO! Traveling may be one of my favorite things to do!
Thinking: Speaking of traveling, I can’t stop thinking about the trip to Mexico that’s coming up! What am I going to pack? When should I get my haircut? When am I getting a new swimsuit? The list goes on…
Wanting: This is a borderline need… but I want a new printer! My printer is just awful these days. It is an ink eater and even printing in black and white these days has proven difficult.
Needing: I NEED a new swimsuit for Mexico! It is at the top of my to-do list. Right under some TPT projects that I need to finish up. Right in line with that new swimsuit is me continuing to eat healthy. With the exception of this past weekend (think peach cobbler & biscuits and gravy) I have been doing a great job!
4th Plans: We are headed to Brenham/College Station for 4th of July on the Brazos River. Then on Saturday my mister’s best friend is having a birthday party for her soon to be one year old! I’m excited to be on the road again and visit some friends!
To stalk check out what other awesome teachers are currently doing in July, head over to Farley’s for her [July Currently] linky party!
So jealous of your trip to Mexico! It will be amazing, I'm sure!
I hope so! We are staying at an all inclusive that I went to a few years ago. Hopefully it's still a good one!
Isn't it fun to travel in the summer? Sounds like you are really getting around! Safe travels!
Krazy Town
Absolutely love it! I wish we could travel even more, haha.
I really like Orange is the new Black. I haven't watched House of Cards, but I may have to try it. I hope that you have a great summer! Crayonbox Learning
I highly recommend it!