Math Intervention: A Math Intervention Binder Resource Tour
Intervention · Math · No Prep · RTI · Uncategorized
Update 6/29/15: The [Math Intervention Binder] now has a sibling! The [Reading Intervention Binder] is on TpT! You can read more about this resource [here] and check out the BUNDLE of both resources [here].
It’s been about a week and a half since my [Math Intervention Binder] went live on TeachersPayTeachers, and I thought it’d be helpful to go ahead and give a more in-depth tour of this resource!
Buckle up!
First, lets start off by taking a look at when intervention happens in our classroom. Each day (Monday-Thursday) we are fortunate enough to have an Intervention Team (I-team) visit for a 50 minute block. The block is divided into two 25-minute portions. During this time, the Tier 3 kiddos work with an I-team teacher, while Tier 2 kiddos work with me. I do one rotation of literacy, then one rotation of mathematics. While all of this is happening, Tier 1 kiddos work on various activities (AKA centers) such as iPad apps, math/literacy centers, read to self, etc (similar to Daily 5 without the mini-lessons).
On Fridays we still have I-Time but the I-Team doesn’t visit the classroom. I use this time to meet with some of my Tier 1 kiddos to make sure that they are getting the necessary extensions that they need to keep advancing. This is also the day that my Tier 2 & 3 kiddos get to independently work through centers activities practicing the skills that we have been focused on throughout the week.
All of this is great, but who has the time to make a bazillion-and-one activities to target all of the MANY, MANY skills that we should be covering during intervention??? I know that I don’t! Time with kiddos during intervention is so precious that I need to be prepared, ready to go, and in a hurry!
Alright, fast forward to the [Math Intervention Binder]! This baby truly makes my 25 minute math rotation a BREEZE! I have all of the resources that I need at my fingertips in order to help my kiddos master a multitude of skills. I don’t have to make copies, laminate, cut out, etc. any other resources for my intervention time (I still do this for the other centers activities!).
Beyond the functionality of this resource, I just love how it looks sitting on my small group table! It literally makes me want the time to pass by so that I can meet with my small groups. Let’s take a look at what’s inside!
I keep extra copies of my intervention logs right inside the cover for easy access. I generally keep my notes pretty simple – activity/observations/days present, etc.
My school uses the NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Assessment 3 times per year to assess student progress. I really wanted to create a resource that aligned to the MAP test, but also aligned to just the state standards, Common Core, etc. That way this resource could be helpful to ALL K-2 teachers, rather than just those who teach at schools using the MAP test. Therefore the sections included in the binder are as follows:
Problem Solving
Statistics & Probability
Measurement & Geometry
I choose to utilize this resource as a binder with each page inside of a page protector so that the kiddos can write on them in dry erase marker, then erase them for next time! Hello time saver! However, you could make class sets of specific pages to use as an independent practice, homework, centers activity, etc. It truly is a versatile resource!
This makes it so easy for me to have 3 different kiddos working on different pages or skills at the same time because they are all organized in one place! Let’s face it… just because you have 3 kiddos in an intervention group DOES NOT mean they all 3 need to work on the exact same skills. But, how can you manage having three 5-year olds work on different skills at the same time?? When it’s as a simple as pulling out one page that targets each kiddos needs, it starts to become a lot easier to target those areas of need!
I don’t know how I even attempted to differentiate small-group instruction without something like this before!
Here’s a couple videos of the binder in action!
Here is a kiddo working on a page from the number sense section. You can even here the little one next to him who is working on another number sense page for numbers 11-20. Differentiation, people! 🙂
And, here’s a kiddo working on addition. This activity is from the computation section.
You can check out the [Math Intervention Binder] on my [TpT Store]! It’s suited for Kindergarten and 1st grade students, but is very applicable to struggling 2nd grade students as well.