I mentioned on Friday that I was working on a project that involved this guy…
Well, I finished what this fun little anchor goes with, and I’m going to share it by linking of with Tara from [
4th Grade Frolics] for a Monday Made It post!
Before I get into my creation for today, I wanted to give a bit of background on my inspiration for it. Last year I got caught in the whirlwind of finishing up grad classes, taking comprehensive exams, new teacher training, and getting moved into my classroom that the theme I had in mind (Western) never really came to fruition.
That was an OK enough excuse for last year, but I am not about to let it happen again! This year I am going with a nautical theme in red/navy/white. I was searching through Pinterest (as usual) and found this really cool looking wreath. I clicked on it of course. It took me to an Etsy sight and the wreath was quite a bit more than I was willing to spend.
What to do…. Well I decided to make one myself! Here’s the finished product. (Warning: There are quite a few pictures!)
I love it! I can’t wait to make/get more things for my classroom theme this year!
Here’s how I made it…
First gather all of your supplies. You’ll need yarn (I chose navy and white), ribbon (I chose red), glue sticks and a hot glue gun, a foam circle, scissors, and rope. I had already made the anchor before starting the wreath – but that was just a wooden cutout, red acrylic paint, and a white paint pen. I got all of the supplies from Michael’s.

I started out by marking 2 lines in the middle of the circle. This made it easy to know where to start one color and stop the previous color.
Then, I used the hot glue gun to get a good hold between the end of the yarn and the circle.
FYI, when I started I kept the yarn attached to the whole bundle. This got tedious because you have to feed the bundle through the circle each time you wrap another bit of yarn around the circle. I started cutting large pieces of yarn – it was a lot easier to manage! If you glue the end of one yarn piece down and start the beginning of the next piece right on top of the other one you can’t even see where it ends/begins.
After MUCH patience, I got the whole thing wrapped in yarn! Phew! I used a lot of hot glue (probably more than necessary) to get the yarn to stay exactly where I wrapped it.
I added some red ribbon as an accent in between each color.
I used the same red ribbon to create a hook for hanging the wreath. I just wrapped it around, added some hot glue and stuck the end of the ribbon back into the glue to create the loop.
Next, I added the finished anchor to the wreath using hot glue.
Finally, it was time to add the rope!
Voila! I plan to hang it on the wall right outside my classroom.
Since it’s Monday Made It, I wanted to share my latest TPT creation as well!! I know that I shared it on Friday, but I am just so excited about it!
Over 135 pages of sight word practice with activities like read it, trace it, rainbow write it, use it build it; fluency passages; sight word graphing; and flash cards! I can’t wait to use it during reading centers this year. You can grab a copy of my Mega Sight Word Practice Pack [

Your wreath is SO SO SO cute! I've got to send this image to my buddy- it's right up her alley!
Short and Sassy Teacher
I'd love it if you shared it with her! Thanks for stopping by! ๐
I love the wreath! I am transforming my classroom into a Nautical theme this year and can't wait to make it!! ๐
You will so love it when it's finished! Happy crafting! ๐