Monday Motivation: Spotlight on Sit Spots

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Happy Monday y’all!  If you’re needing a pick-me-up today, just remember there is only one more Monday until Winter Break!  Oh, and as a bonus you can totally spend a few minutes reading about my experience with one of my new favorite classroom resources (there may be a sweet giveaway at the end of the post).

Like many other teachers, my classroom doesn’t have a typical “rug area” for a gathering place.  My whole classroom is carpeted, and we have a “well” with mini-stadium-like seating.  In past years I’ve had to make do without a traditional “classroom carpet.”  Those things are so expensive!

I started out the year allowing the kiddos to sit wherever they’d like in our gathering spot.  What can I say?  Incorporating choice is important to me.  I quickly learned that this didn’t work when I needed a side to be clear for easy viewing of the board.  Even when I tried to make one side “off-limits,” I had friends sitting in spots that were just plain awkward for teaching/learning.  Without a visual, many students had difficulty remembering where a good spot to sit was.

I had finally had enough and decided to tape down some spots so the children knew exactly where they could sit for the best learning experience.  I still didn’t have any assigned seating because I wanted them to choose where to sit (within the newly defined parameters).

This worked like a charm – for about 2 days.  That’s when the novelty wore off and the kiddos started to pick at the tape that was holding the dots down.  They weren’t trying to rip them up, but who can resist picking at tape when it’s so close and convenient?  Not many 5 and 6 year olds that I know…

That led to this.


Not only were the spots unappealing to look at, but they quickly lost functionality as they begin to peel off the carpet.

During my search for a solution, I learned about a product called [SitSpots].  I was skeptical at first because I didn’t there there was any way that they would truly “stick” to the carpet.  After searching for a few more days (with no luck), I decided to take the plunge and order a set of Sit Spots for the classroom.  The wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors was a pleasant surprise.  I decided to go with circles in red and blue.

I patiently eagerly waited for my first set of SitSpots to arrive.  When they came in I was so excited because it meant I could peel up the last few taped down dots that had somehow survived and toss them!

I followed the instructions for installation to a T.  I placed them textured side up (velcro) first in the spots I wanted them to make sure the layout was right, then went back and flipped them over.  I stepped on each one to firmly set them in place.

Let me tell you what, it’s been over a month and not a single SitSpot has come off.  Victory!  Not only have they stayed put, but the kiddos have so much more pride in these and resist picking at them to keep them nice.  I suspect that even if they did pick at them some that they would easily reattach to the carpet.

I’ve got my eye on another set to use for lining up.  I’m thinking of writing a sight word on each one, then when we line up I can give each kiddo a sight word to line up on.  What class couldn’t use more sight word practice as a reinforcer?!

I am so thrilled with my SitSpots that I want to offer you a chance to win your own set!  Use the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win $50 to spend on the SitSpots [website]!*

*Winner will be given contact information for [SitSpots] who will then handle prize delivery. 


  1. I would use these exactly as you have. I need them for carpet time AND lining up spots. I just haven't been able to justify them yet to my husband! lol I'd love to get them in red and black!

  2. I have tried mats, taped down dots and pillows. They don't seem to work because kids seem to play with them or find a way to destroy them.

  3. I use them on my carpet in rainbow order. They match the table names and the kids sit on their color. Hope to get more for sight word games.

  4. I use them on my carpet in rainbow order. They match the table names and the kids sit on their color. Hope to get more for sight word games.

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