Where has the time gone?
Yesterday was not only my last day of classes for this whirlwind of a summer semester, but it was also my last class for my Master’s coursework! WHOOHOO!!! As excited as I am, I am having a hard time believing that I have already finished up my coursework. It seems like yesterday that I was heading into my first day of the program wondering if I had made the right decision. Now, all that I have left to do is take my Master’s comp exams in a week and a half then do an awesome job during my internship next year. I am definitely relieved that I will now have more time to dedicate towards getting my classroom ready for my first graders! Also, our new primary school building is finished and they are just waiting on the certificate of occupancy which should be granted any day!!! My principal told me that I will hopefully be able to come see my brand new room next Monday!
Backtracking a little to our last day of classes yesterday, I met up this afternoon with the rest of the elementary cohort for a little lunch date. Of course we could not go a day without seeing each other, especially after spending almost every day of the last year and a few months together! Ok ok, we were actually meeting up to celebrate finishing and talk about getting ready for comps… Now that I have some free time to blog, breath, clean, and everything else again I am going to start linking up with Farley for a monthly “Currently” even though I am apparently late to the party – but I will look at it as being fashionably late ๐
Listening – With all of the time I have spent on or near my laptop getting work done for this semester, I have become addicted to iHeart Radio, in particular the All Things Dance station. It just makes me feel super energized and ready to take everything on! Plus, it’s free!
Loving – As I’ve already covered, I am so relieved to be done with my Master’s coursework and that statement alone should be sufficient!
Thinking – We met for lunch today at this great little sandwich shop called “East Hampton Sandwich Co.” here in the Dallas/Highland Park area. YUM is all I can say!
Wanting – I have been waiting patiently for our new school building to be approved for occupancy. Who am I kidding, if I could e-mail everyday and ask if the school is ready without completely annoying my principal then I would! I just really want to get in there and see what the space looks like, how big it is, start making a list of things I will need, etc. Hopefully by Monday of next week I will be able to actually see it for the first time.
Needing – With how busy I have been with school and Dustin has been with work and picking up my slack as far as cooking, taking care of the dogs, etc goes, this house is in desperate need of a good cleaning. We are having a house warming party in just a couple of weeks so we really need to get it under control so that we can finish decorating! Speaking of house warming… We moved into this condo just about a month ago and we are already looking to buy a house! We didn’t think we would be approved to buy so we decided to rent. Then of course we decided why not try and see if we could get approved. So we went ahead and started talking to a lender and we were pre-approved on Monday! Now we are on the search for the perfect first home!
Tips, Tricks, or Hints – Ok maybe this is a little obvious, but I have been in so many teacher’s classrooms over the last year and thought “why don’t they have this?” or “this should be replaced.” I have clearly become a spokesperson for DonorsChoose, but I really do think every teacher could benefit from doing a project with them! If you have a worthy cause and a need then there is no harm in giving it a try! It only take a little bit of your time to write the project and then you’re up and running.
Hi! I found your blog via Farley's Currently. I LOVE the idea of using Donor's Choose. I have donated before and done a good chunk of reading about it, but never started my own project. Have you? (:
I am also waiting until our new building is finished! However, my momma always said patience was a virtue I was born without! Our building won't be done until August 5th, so I guess I'll just practice some more of those deep breathing exercises (Woo-sa).
That's pretty exciting that you'll be moving into a new space! I can understand how difficult it might be to have to wait to even see the space. I checked out your TpT freebie. What a bummer that you're not getting more feedback on such a great freebie! Maybe you could add different fact cards (for differentiation).?? I've seen some items with thousands of downloads and less that 10 votes. It's pretty sad. Well, I hope you get to see your new space soon!
Super Sparkly in Second