Wordless Wednesday, Summer Guilty Pleasures
I’m linking up with Miss DeCarbo from Sugar and Spice for a Wordless Wednesday post.
Today is my first day of summer! It also happens to be the first summer in so long that I haven’t either had to work, or been in school full time. Ahhhh…
So my dad came to visit for a night and do a little work on our house (THANK YOU!). We ended up at this awesome little diner that’s close to the house that we visit a little too often. It was so great to have a real meal on a weekday! I was so over “quick” fixes for breakfast and lunch, with even less time to actually eat them. Clearly not the healthiest option, but I plan to have plenty of “real” meals this summer.
What is your summer guilty pleasure?
Also, if you haven’t entered for a chance to win my [Super Sundae Addition and Subtraction Fluency Building] packet, then please check out my [earlier post] to enter!