Five For Friday, May 9th
It’s that time of week again! I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another awesome Five For Friday post!

For the graphing activity we used a freebie from Mary Lirette’s Learning Detectives. You can grab a copy of it here!
2. There are officially 11 school days left of the 2013-2014 school year, and 5 of those are half days! I cannot wait to have a nice, relaxing break before getting prepped for next year at my new school.

4. On a not so positive note, first grade at our school has been plagued with lying lately. Is anyone else having this problem?!? We all decided to give up math instruction on Wednesday to have the guidance counselor come talk with each class and teach a lesson about telling the truth and being honest. It’s one thing to make a bad choice, but as soon as a kid lies it takes the frustration you’re feeling to whole other level!
Luckily our guidance counselor is great and went through some scenarios with the kiddos. She even did a fun activity where she had a student act out what happens when you tell a lie and then have to keep telling lies to cover it up. During the whole skit the guidance counselor tangled the poor girl in yarn. It was supposed to simulate that one lie can lead to a tangled web of lies. Pretty cool even if it may have been over the heads of many of our kids. If you have noticed a problem with lying in your classroom, what are you doing to correct it?
5. Finally, it’s Friday. Need I say more?
Happy weekend y’all!